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What are the benefits of PRP in treating migraines?

What are the benefits of PRP in treating migraines?

Migraine is a neurological disease that often severely limits the daily lives of those affected. With symptoms such as intense, one-sided headaches, nausea, sensitivity to light and visual disturbances, migraine is one of the most common chronic complaints. While conventional medications are aimed at acute treatment or prophylaxis, many patients reach their limits due to side effects or insufficient effectiveness. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy opens up a new, promising perspective: It uses the body's natural healing processes to relieve migraine symptoms in the long term.

Why might PRP help with migraines?

Migraines are caused by a complex interplay of neuronal, vascular and inflammatory processes. In many cases, neurogenic inflammation, overactive pain perception and circulatory disorders play a central role. PRP works on these levels by using regenerative growth factors to specifically repair damaged or irritated tissue, promote blood circulation and reduce inflammation. Unlike medications, which usually only relieve symptoms, PRP directly attacks the underlying processes of migraines.

A particular benefit of PRP is its ability to promote the healing of nerve fibers. Studies show that chronic migraines are often associated with overstimulation of certain nerve plexuses, such as the trigeminal nerve or occipital nerves. PRP can be used in these areas to stabilize nerve functions and reduce pain sensitivity.

How is PRP used for migraines?

PRP therapy is carried out by targeted injections into problem areas, such as the head and neck region. PRP is introduced where trigger points have been identified to stimulate tissue regeneration. Applications can also be made along certain nerve pathways, such as the trigeminal nerve. This approach is particularly suitable for migraine sufferers whose symptoms are related to tension, inflammation or circulatory problems.

After treatment, many patients report that the frequency and intensity of their migraine attacks decrease. The effect develops over weeks, as the growth factors continuously promote regeneration. Unlike short-term medication, PRP aims for lasting improvement.

What makes PRP different from other migraine treatments?

Conventional migraine therapies such as medication or Botox injections often aim to relieve symptoms but do not intervene deeply in the underlying processes. PRP offers a holistic approach: It strengthens the body's own healing mechanisms and has an anti-inflammatory effect without the side effects of synthetic preparations. At the same time, PRP is minimally invasive and uses only the body's own substances, which makes it particularly safe and well tolerated.

What results can be expected?

PRP therapy usually does not show its effect immediately, but develops gradually over several weeks or months. Many patients report a significant reduction in migraine attacks and an improvement in their quality of life. PRP can be a valuable supplement or alternative, especially in chronic cases that do not respond adequately to conventional therapies. The anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties not only provide acute relief, but can also stabilize neurological and vascular processes in the long term.


PRP therapy offers an innovative approach to treating migraines without relying on synthetic drugs or invasive procedures. With its ability to promote the regeneration of nerve fibers, reduce inflammation, and improve blood flow, PRP offers a natural, sustainable solution for sufferers. If you suffer from migraines and are looking for an effective alternative, PRP could help you relieve your symptoms and regain your quality of life. Speak to a specialist to discuss the possibilities of this therapy on an individual basis.


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