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What are the benefits of PRP in treating dry eyes?

What are the benefits of PRP in treating dry eyes?

Dry eyes, also known as Sicca syndrome, are a common condition caused by insufficient tear production or unstable tear film quality. They lead to symptoms such as redness, burning, sensitivity to light or a foreign body sensation in the eye. PRP therapy (platelet-rich plasma) offers an innovative way to relieve symptoms and promote the regeneration of the ocular surface - without the need for synthetic medication.

Why does dry eyes occur?

The causes of dry eyes are varied:

  • Aging: As we age, the production of tears decreases.
  • Environmental factors: Air conditioning, heating or screen work can disrupt the tear film.
  • Hormonal changes: Women after menopause are particularly often affected.
  • Medications: Certain medications, such as antihistamines or beta-blockers, can affect tear production.
  • Autoimmune diseases: Diseases such as Sjögren's syndrome often lead to chronic dry eyes.

How can PRP improve dry eyes?

PRP contains growth factors and regenerative proteins that promote healing and regeneration of the ocular surface. The benefits of PRP for dry eyes include:

  1. Regeneration of the ocular surface: PRP promotes the healing of damaged cells on the cornea and conjunctiva.
  2. Improvement of tear film quality: PRP supports the stability of the tear film and reduces evaporation.
  3. Anti-inflammatory effect: The anti-inflammatory properties relieve redness and swelling.
  4. Hydration of the eyes: PRP improves moisture retention and ensures long-lasting moisturizing.

Who is PRP suitable for dry eyes?

PRP is an effective treatment for:

  • People with chronic dry eyes who do not respond to conventional therapies.
  • Patients with damaged eye surface, e.g. after eye surgery or injuries.
  • Sufferers of autoimmune diseases such as Sjögren's syndrome.
  • People looking for a natural alternative to eye drops or medication.

What advantages does PRP offer over conventional treatments?

Compared to conventional eye drops or gels, PRP offers a regenerative effect that targets the cause of the symptoms. While artificial tears often only relieve symptoms in the short term, PRP promotes healing of the eye surface and offers long-term results.

How quickly do improvements occur?

Patients often report relief from symptoms after just a few weeks. In the long term, PRP leads to better moisture retention, less redness and a more stable tear film.


PRP therapy offers a natural, safe and effective way to treat dry eyes and promote the regeneration of the ocular surface. With its anti-inflammatory and hydrating effects, PRP not only addresses the symptoms, but also the causes of dry eyes.

If you suffer from dry eyes and conventional treatments are not working well, PRP could be a promising solution. Talk to a specialist about this innovative therapy and find out how PRP can improve your quality of life.


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