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Is PRP treatment painful?

Is PRP treatment painful?

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) treatment is described by most patients as well-tolerated and is generally considered to be relatively painless. However, the perception of pain depends on various factors, such as individual sensitivity, the area being treated and the doctor's technique.

What happens during PRP treatment?

PRP therapy consists of three main steps:

  1. Blood sampling: A small amount of blood is taken from the vein, similar to a normal blood draw. This step usually causes little pain, at most a slight stinging sensation.

  2. Centrifugation: The blood is processed in a centrifuge to isolate the platelet-rich plasma. This step is painless because there is no interaction with the patient.

  3. Injection of PRP: The isolated plasma is injected into the target areas, such as the skin, scalp or joint, using fine needles. Mild pain or a feeling of pressure may occur, especially in sensitive areas such as the scalp.

How intense is the pain during PRP injection?

  • Mild discomfort: Many patients describe the feeling during the injection as a slight pinching or stinging.
  • Sensitive areas: In areas such as the scalp, the sensation may be more intense because the skin is thinner there.
  • Joint treatments: PRP injections into joints may cause a brief, intense feeling of pressure, but this quickly subsides.

Are there ways to make the treatment more pleasant?

Yes, there are several options to make the treatment as comfortable as possible:

  1. Anesthetic cream: A local anesthetic cream can be applied before treatment to reduce the sensation of pain.
  2. Cooling: Immediately after the injection, the treated area can be cooled to minimize pain and swelling.
  3. Gentle injection techniques: An experienced doctor often uses special injection techniques to reduce discomfort.

How does the area feel after treatment?

After PRP treatment, slight swelling, redness or a feeling of pressure is normal. These side effects usually subside within 24 to 48 hours. Painkillers such as paracetamol can be taken if needed. However, blood-thinning medications such as aspirin should be avoided as they can interfere with the effect of the PRP.

Conclusion: Pain sensation with PRP

PRP treatment is generally well tolerated and causes minimal pain. For sensitive patients, various methods of pain relief are available, such as numbing creams or cooling. With the right preparation and an experienced practitioner, PRP therapy is a virtually painless and effective method of promoting the body's natural healing processes.


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