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Can PRP help with sun allergy?

Can PRP help with sun allergy?

Sun allergy, also known as polymorphic light dermatitis, is a skin reaction that affects many people, especially in the summer months. Symptoms range from redness and itching to painful blisters and rashes. For those affected, this can significantly spoil the joy of summer. While conventional approaches such as sunscreens and antihistamines alleviate symptoms, PRP therapy (platelet-rich plasma) offers an innovative way to support skin regeneration and reduce skin sensitivity in the long term. But what exactly is PRP and how can it help with sun allergy?

What is a sun allergy and how does it arise?

Sun allergy is not a classic allergy in the medical sense, but rather a hypersensitivity reaction of the skin to UV radiation. UVA rays in particular penetrate deeply into the skin and can trigger an excessive immune response. The skin reacts with symptoms such as:

  • redness
  • itching
  • rash
  • swelling
  • blistering

There are many causes of sun allergies. In addition to direct UV exposure, genetic predisposition, sensitive skin, certain medications or cosmetics can play a role. Sun allergies are particularly common after the first intensive sun exposure in spring or summer. The symptoms often improve over the course of the summer when the skin gets used to the UV radiation.

What is PRP and how does it work?

PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma, which is extracted from the patient's own blood. After a blood draw, the blood is processed in a centrifuge to concentrate the platelets and growth factors. These components have regenerative and anti-inflammatory properties that promote healing and skin renewal.

PRP is already used successfully in aesthetic medicine, for hair loss and for wound healing. Its ability to stimulate cell regeneration and strengthen the skin also makes it a potentially effective therapy for sun allergies.

How can PRP help with sun allergy?

PRP therapy could help those affected in several ways:

  1. anti-inflammatory
    Sun allergies are often accompanied by inflammatory processes. PRP contains anti-inflammatory proteins that can regulate these processes and relieve symptoms such as redness and itching.

  2. promoting skin regeneration
    The growth factors in PRP stimulate cell division and collagen production. This accelerates the healing of skin damage caused by UV radiation.

  3. strengthening the skin barrier
    By promoting collagen and elastin, the skin becomes more resistant to external influences such as UV rays. A strengthened skin barrier can reduce the symptoms of sun allergy in the long term.

  4. improvement of microcirculation
    PRP promotes blood circulation in the skin, which improves the transport of nutrients and supports regeneration. This contributes to a healthier complexion.

Scientific findings on PRP and skin diseases

Although there are currently limited specific studies on the use of PRP for sun allergies, a large amount of research shows the effectiveness of PRP in other inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema or rosacea. The anti-inflammatory and healing properties of PRP could therefore also play an important role in the treatment of sun allergies. Patients often report faster healing and an improvement in skin texture after PRP applications.

Who is PRP suitable for if you have a sun allergy?

PRP could be particularly useful for people who regularly suffer from sun allergies and are looking for long-term solutions. It is also suitable for patients with sensitive skin who do not respond well to other treatments such as antihistamines or cortisone. Since PRP is extracted from the patient's own blood, the therapy is well tolerated and carries a minimal risk of side effects.

What are the benefits of PRP for sun allergy?

  • Natural and safe: Since PRP is produced naturally in the body, there are no risks of allergic reactions.
  • Sustainable effect: PRP strengthens the skin structure and improves long-term resistance to UV rays.
  • Minimally invasive: The treatment is painless and does not require long downtimes.
  • Regenerative effects: PRP promotes the healing of skin damage and improves the skin’s appearance.

Can PRP permanently relieve sun allergy?

While PRP does not offer a direct cure for sun allergy, it can strengthen the skin so that symptoms are less severe or occur less frequently. In combination with other measures such as UV protection, skin care and gradual habituation to the sun, PRP could make an important contribution to treatment.


Sun allergies can significantly reduce the enjoyment of sunny days. PRP offers a natural and effective way to promote skin regeneration, reduce inflammation and strengthen the skin's resilience in the long term. Although the therapy is not yet established as a standard treatment for sun allergies, it represents a promising addition to existing approaches. For sufferers looking for innovative and sustainable solutions, PRP could be a valuable option to improve skin health and increase quality of life.


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